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六六教师之家 | 初二英语学习 | 人气:248

标签:初二英语学习大全,http://www.jiaoshi66.com 初二英语上册第二单元测试题含答案(人教版),

  49 They eat too much fat and sugar and don't take enough exercise.

  50 The result i s that many of them become fat and some have bad teeth.


  51 rest 52 traditional 53 dentist 54 teeth 55 improving 56 balanced 57 well 58 tired 59 stressed 60 Eating

  Ⅸ.61.B 62.A 63.E 64.C 65.D


  Dear Wang Xin,

  I heard you are not feeling well these days.You are always tired and can't sleep well at night.I think you should eat more fruit and vegetables first.Then you should exercise more to stay healthy.You can listen to some music to relax yourself.At night,you shouldn't go out and you should go to bed early.When you are tired,you shouldn't study.

  I hope you feel better soon.


  Li Ming

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