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English around the world 3rd Teaching Period

六六教师之家 | 高一英语教案 | 人气:260

标签:高一英语必修2教案,高一英语下学期教案,高中英语教案,http://www.jiaoshi66.com English around the world 3rd Teaching Period,
    movie                                     film
    candy                                     sweets
    drugstore                                  chemist’s
    living room                                sitting room
    apartment                                  flat
    the first floor                               ground floor
    elevator                                    lift vacation                                   holiday…
    Divide the Ss into groups and ask them to make a dilogue about giving directions to a certain place according to the map.They may use the words and expressions above.Ss are required to use indirect and direct speech and requests.(one student plays a speaker of British English and the other plays a speaker of American English.)
    If the Ss are not active,T can provide the following situations or ask the Ss to complete the following dialogues.
    Situation1: A person from the US is standing outside the underground with his friend.He wants to go to the cinema,but he doesn’t know the way,so he asks directions and tells it to his friend.
    A: Excuse me, could you please tell us where the cinema is_? We’d like to see a movie_.
    B: Movie?
    A Yes, that’s a _ film___.
    B: Well. Go straight ahead and cross two streets. The cinema is on your left-hand side. There is a fountain in front of it.
    C: What did she tell us?
    A: She told us to keep going straight and cross two blocks. The cinema will be on our rignt.
    Situation2:A worried man is standing outside the restaurant. He wants to buy some medicine but he doesn’t know the way.So he asks directions.
    A: Excuse me. Would you please tell me the way to the nearest drugstore?
    B: You mean the nearest chemist’s?
    A:Yeah. My son is _sick____. I want to buy some medicine.
    B: Oh ,I’m sorry to hear that. Please follow me. I can take you to the chemist’s. My __flat____ is opposite to it.
    APardon? What is flat?
    B: Oh, flat means __apartment______. I moved here last autumn.
    A: Do you mean “_last fall__”___?
    B:Quite right. Well, your English is quite different from what my teacher teaches.
    A: Actually, I speak American English. You understand both American English and British English. That’s great.
    Get the Ss to generalize what they have learnt in this period.
    1.Prepare a new dialogue about giving directions to a place in Xiamen.Try to use both American English and British English. Be sure to use direct and indirect speech and request.
    2.Recite the new words
    3.Make a list of as many direction words as possible.
    附:Unit2(Using language)教学设计说明
    本课各环节的编排基本不变,只是将Reading的读后部分,即对中国方言的讨论调整为全课的导入。首先进行一个guessing game,即听方言猜意思,由此调动学生的兴趣,在简单介绍中国方言的种类后,引发问题—Is it easy to communicate with others if people speak different Chinese dialects? What is standard Chinese? Why is putonghua used in China? 水到渠成后引发学生思考:Is there any standard English and dialects?从而过渡到文章“standard English and dialects”的阅读。
    Reading这一环节重在引导学生归纳全文的中心大意,故在fast reading 和careful reading 中设计了一系列问题,帮助学生完成大意的归纳。程度好的学生可鼓励他们自行组织语言,程度较差的学生则只要安排他们根据提示完成大意填空题。在阅读中,还注重培养学生的猜词能力,重点让学生在上下文中猜出生词的大意。由于学生对所学的生词不可能一步到位,因此在课件设计中,对生词反复呈现加以强调。对于方位词,如eastern, southern, southeastern 等,教师可根据构词法等适当进行点拨,并启发学生对方位词作进一步的归纳和总结(此部分可安排在课后作业中进行巩固)。 Listening部分重在让学生对比两段独白的语音,感受美国方言的特色。由于第一个speaker的口音浓重且用了不少俚语,故一定得对学生进行简明的介绍。为降低难度,听力开始时让学生认真观察课本上的插图并回答问题,进行听前的热身。听力分两部分进行。听完第一段独白后,让学生试着完成课本前四个小题,但老师不予以答案。完成第二部分后,让学生完成后两小题。在学生对两部分的听力对比之后,安排学生以pair work的形式对第一部分的相关文字进行解释,再次感受美国南部方言的特点,并在此基础上对前四个问题的答案进行讨论,得出正确答案。
    Speaking 环节重点不在问路,而是主要在问路的情境中让学生通过练习对话再次感悟和体验英国英语和美国英语的差异,并要求学生进行角色表演,以仿真的对话形式熟练掌握如何运用直接英语和间接引语表达请求。此环节是的本课的一处难点,学生在对话中容易陷入一般的问路指路。故在设计过程中,首先让学生分角色操练对话,得出英国英语和美国英语在词语使用的差异,再让学生以竞赛或抢答或连线等方式(应情而定)归纳出美国英语和英国英语在词语(还可适当指出读音等其他方面的区别)使用方面的不同点,在此基础上再安排学生模仿文中对话以pair work 或group work 形式根据所给的地图编排新的对话。为避免学生“偏题”,本环节还适当创设一定的情境,并提醒学生运用本单元所学的知识。为了让程度差的学生有话可说,本环节提供了相关的例子,教师们可灵活选用。
    在summary 环节中,可让学生总结归纳本课重点,教师适当予以补充。
    在homework部分,教师可将speaking 部分进行延伸,让学生根据厦门的实际情况设定相关情境,利用所学知识按要求编排对话表演,同时在复习本课所学单词基础上,对方位词作进一步的归纳和总结。

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