您现在的位置: 六六教师之家范文网教育教学远程教育基于计算机网络的"自适应式远程教育"模式的研究


六六教师之家 | 远程教育 | 人气:915

标签:远程教育资源网,远程教育学习总结,http://www.jiaoshi66.com 基于计算机网络的"自适应式远程教育"模式的研究,
however current remote education has some shortcomings.it only emphasizes network's function of transfering teaching contents and neglects the improvement of teaching performance.it can not suit a special student.that is,it is not student-centered but teacher-centered.this cannot meet the need of modern education and cannot receive good teaching performance.remote education must be student-centered,and focus on improve the teaching methods. interaction is the most powerful way to engage learners. the instructor needs to design opportunities for inter-site and intra-site interactions among learners, at a minimum of about every twenty minutes. question-and-answer periods, brainstorming sessions, case discussions, and role-playing exercise are examples of strategies the instructor can use to stimulate interaction.
this paper analyzes the main characteristics of modern education system and the development of remote education.a new adaptive student- centered networked education mode is presented.this mode makes full use of the interactiveity of the computer network.teaching is based on the student's ability of accepting knowledge.according to the mode,remote education system can learn the study status of the student,and adjust the learning speed and the quality of the course to meet the need of the student.
after a stage of study,student will have a test to check the performance of study.if the score of some knowledge point is too low,the system will emphasize this knowledge point at the next learning stage, and slow down the learning speed.on the contrary,the system can also increase contents and the difficulty level of the course.
the key technology includes:
l the orgination of courseware
the courseware is devided into many courseware elements.every element is a basic unit of the course.and courseware elements are put in a "courseware container" .
l the evaluation of a student's learning progress
a parameter is used to measure a student 's learning progress.it is set according to the score of the test.the value is changed with the learning progress.
l the evaluation of a course
every course has a constant to evalute its difficult level.it is set according to statistics.
the technique details have been illustrated in the paper.
keywords adaptive, remote education, interactive, individual

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