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  1 、 把1-12单元的单词句型课文背会,识记课文里面的知识点语言点,并把课文中的回答问题部分用书面的形式写下来,培养自己的组词造句的能力。

  2 、 把课本中每个单元部分3a部分短文背会,并找出里面的重点短语,模仿造句

  3、 增加阅读量,培养学生阅读能力,每天至少阅读3篇英语小短文,自查生词,丰富词汇量,尽可能多的进行英文阅读。可以是新闻,小说,课本中的文章等等。文章不要太难,阅读的时候不要时时查字典,而是集中精力在你能够读懂的地方,然后试图通过上下文来猜测词义。其实这并不难,如果你很喜欢你所阅读的材料,你会发现自己的猜词功力还是很强的。比如如果你是一个生物迷,那么理解关于动植物的文章将不会很难。如果你是一个足球迷,看体坛快讯中关于足球比赛的消息就要比对足球一窍不通的人好得多

  4、适时看英文电影动画片多听培养语感“What you see is what you get.”你可以选择你喜欢的电影,或者让别人推荐一些。好的电影值得我们一遍一遍地观看。看的时候,准备好纸和笔。写下你听到的或者在字幕中看到的好的表达法。当然,你也可以选择电视连续剧。比如 “Friends”就是很多英语学习者的最爱。

  英语电影推荐:《冰河世纪》 《美食总动员》 《海底总动员》 《音乐之声》 《小鸡快跑》《咪咪羊》 《狮子王》 《阿拉丁》 《马达加斯加》 《料理鼠王》

  5、学会2-3首英文歌曲 www.jiaoshi66.com



  1、 把课本13-15单元的单词句型试着自学单词记忆句型。









  Most parents A few parents

  review what students have learned take a lot of time

  develop students’ minds can not have a good rest

  stop students playing computer games can not do the things students like

  … …

  Last week our class had a parents’ meeting. At the meeting, all the parents talked about whether doing a lot of homework was useful or not. Many parents thought that doing much homework was useful. 3 4  www.jiaoshi66.com


  Last week our class had a parents’ meeting. At the meeting, all the parents talked about whether doing a lot of homework was useful. Many parents thought that doing much homework was useful. They thought the students could review what they had learned and help to develop the students’ minds by doing a lot of homework. There are more and more students playing computer games. Doing much homework can stop them playing computer games.

  But a few parents thought that too much homework was useless. They thought it took students a lot of time to do much homework and so they could not have a good rest. With so much homework to do, students could not do the things they liked.

  In my opinion, doing suitable homework is necessary because we should prepare ourselves for a better future.

  Last week our class had a parents’ meeting. At the meeting, all the parents talked about whether doing a lot of homework was useful. Many parents thought that doing much homework was useful. They thought the students could review what they had learned by doing so. They also thought much homework helped develop the students’ minds after school and stop them playing computer games.

  But a few parents didn’t think so. They thought that too much homework was useless because it took them a lot of time to do the homework after school. In this way students could not have a good rest at all and they could not do the things they liked. The students have too much burden in their life.

  In my opinion, teachers should give students suitable homework to help them learn better but too much homework is not necessary.

  最近,老师布置一道作业,就“Can parents be friends?”这一问题在同学中间展开一次调查,下表是调查的结果:

  观点 原因

  55%的同学 不可能 父母太忙,没有时间关心他们

  45%的同学 可能 在家里,父母常和他们谈心,像朋友一样 4 5 6 7 8  www.jiaoshi66.com

  方便(convenient); 24小时营业;不用排队 看不见物品;容易受到欺骗(be cheated); 不能享受和朋友一起购物的乐趣

  Shopping online is quite popular in our daily life now.

  Shopping online is quite popular in our daily life now. It is a new way of shopping. Many things are offered and wait for your choosing. Convenience is the most important advantage. You can buy anything as you like. You don’t have to queue with other shoppers.

  Meanwhile, it is often open for 24 hours a day. However, there are many disadvantages about shopping online. You can’t actually see the real products. So you may be cheated easily. Also, many people will miss the best opportunity to get along well with their friends and share the joy of shopping.

  In conclusion, we should make proper use of the internet shopping.



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