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初一英语作文:My holiday

六六教师之家 | 初一学习方法 | 人气:791

标签:初一学习方法大全,http://www.jiaoshi66.com 初一英语作文:My holiday,
    My holiday was good. I stayed at home for sometime. I went to Tianyi Square and bought same games. But one day, my monther, my younger brother and I went to Tianyi digital square to buy games. And I bought a new uniform in the evening. I'd like to have a glass of apple juice my monther bought it for me. I says, " Thanks a lot. " I bought some shoes. I want a pair of sports shoes. In the shop, the wonderful song added tour pleasure. I see the black shoes. my monther says, " There are beautiful !"

    I was happy that day, because I went to Tianyi Square and had a lot of fum.
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