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高一英语city and country教案

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Lesson 4 City and Country
Words and Phrases
1. imagine想象,设想
Can you imagine city and country lifestyles in Britain? 你能想象得出英国城市和乡村的生活方式吗?
You can imagine the situation there. 你可以想象那里的情况。
I didn't imagine becoming (become) a teacher in my childhood.在童年时期,我并未想象成为一名教师。
I can't imagine my marrying (marry) a girl of that sort.我难以想象我与那种女子结婚后的情形。
Can you imagine Tom cooking (cook) dinner for twenty people?你能想象出汤姆为20个人做饭的样子吗?
3. Imagine+that从句。
I imagine that you are tired from the journey.我料想你是由于旅行而疲劳了。
4. Imagine what/why/how/when….想象什么/为何/怎样/何时
I can't imagine what he means.我想不出他的用意。
I can't imagine what he looks like. 我想象不出他是什么长相
5. Imagine+n/pron.+(to be)n./adj.”
Imagine yourself(to be)a teacher.想象一下你是一位老师。
I imagined the ship(to be)very large.我想象那船很大。
8. Imagine+n./pron.+as+n.”
I imagined you as a big tall man.我以为你是个高大的人。
1. 后面接复合宾语。
He imagined himself very rich.他认为自己很富有。
2.后面接that-clause作宾语。若 that-clause是否定意义,可用主句的否定形式表示从句的否定意义,that可省略。
I don't imagine(that)they will come tomorrow.我认为他们明天不会来。
Can you imagine living with (live with) such a boring man? 
I can't imagine what has happened. 我想像不出发生了什么事。
I didn’t imagine becoming a doctor in my childhood. 我童年的时候没有想象我会成为一名医生.
Can you imagine how much surprised when I saw you? 你能否想象我见到你时是多么吃惊啊.
Can you imagine the life in the university? 你能想象大学的生活吗?

He hasn't much imagination. 他缺乏想像力.
He is an imaginative child. 他是一个想象力丰富的孩子。
We had the greatest difficulty imaginable. 我们遇到了可以想象到的最大困难。
This story is only imaginary. 这个故事是虚构的。
He imagined walking into the classroom and telling everyone the good news.
The book is about imaginary creatures living in another world.
Children use their imagination when they play.
He is an imaginative child who can write a lot of imaginary stories.

2. need
1.You needn't do it again.你不需要再做了。
2.He needn't worry about it.这件事他无需担心。
3.Need he do this homework first?他需要先做这些作业吗?
4.Need they fill in the form?他们需要填表吗?
二、在否定句中,可以用need的否定形式+have done。
1.We needn't have worried.其实我们不必要慌。
2.You needn't have mentioned it.你本来不必提起这件事。
3.You needn't have said that when he asked.当他问的时候,你其实不必要说。
1.He needn't be standing in the rain.他不必要站在雨中。
2.We needn't be waiting in this place.我们不必要在这儿等。
人+need +to do
物+need +doing
物+need +to be done
1.We need to collect (collect) the parcel before we leave for England.去英国之前,我们需要收拾好行李。
2.We need to tell (tell) him the truth.我们需要告诉他真相。
3.My car needs repairing / to be repaired (repair).我的汽车需要修理。
4.The flowers need watering/to be watered(water).这些花需要浇水。
5.His leather shoes needs to be mended/mending (mend).他的皮鞋需要修补。
6.Her room needs cleaning/to be cleaned (clean).她的房间需要打扫。
7.It is a question that needs very careful consideration(consider).这是一个需要慎重考虑的问题。
8.I need a watch.我需要一块手表

3. otherwise
otherwise 用作连词,意思为“否则;要不然”,相当于 or,or else 或 if not .
We’ll go early, otherwise we may not get a seat.我们得早点去,要不然就没有座位了。
Seize the chance,otherwise you will regret it.抓住机会,要不然你会后悔的。

otherwise 用作副词,具有下列意义:
1. 意为“另外;别样”。相当于 differently 或 in another way .
He evidently thinks otherwise.他显然有不同的想法。

2. 意为“在其他方面”。相当于 in other or different ways.
The rent is high, but otherwise the house is satisfactory.房租是贵,可这房子在别的方面倒令人满意。
He is noisy, but otherwise a nice boy.他爱吵闹,但在其他方面倒是个好孩子。
I was ill that day,otherwise I would have taken part in the sports meet.那天我病了,否则我会去参加运动会的。

高一英语city and country教案由www.jiaoshi66.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.jiaoshi66.com
www.jiaoshi66.com We didn’t know you were in trouble at that time,otherwise we would have given you a hand.我们当时不知道你遇到了困难,要不然我们会帮助你的。
You will have to go now, otherwise you’ll miss the bus.你得马上动身,否则赶不上汽车。
He was tired but otherwise in good health.她就是累,除此之外很健康。
4. make sure 查明;设法确保,确定
make sure of sth.
make sure that
be sure of sth
be sure that
You must make sure of the time and place. 你必须把时间和地点弄清楚。
5. be free of
6. look after
7. take a break休息
=have / take a rest=rest
Take exercise运动,锻炼
Take off脱下,起飞
Take up占据(时间、空间)
Take pictures照相
Take a seat=have a seat坐下
Take a walk散步
Take away拿走
Take down取下
Take care of=look after照顾
8. unfortunately  adv. 不幸的
fortune  n. 运气
fortunate  adj.幸运的,幸福的
fortunately adv. 幸运地
用fortune 的正确形式填空。
Fortunately the train was on time. 幸好火车按时到达。
Why should you be so fortunate! 你为何这样幸运!
Fortune God sends fortune to fools. 傻人有傻福。
Unfortunately I made no copy of it. 遗憾的是,我没有抄一份留底。
9. be fond of喜欢
10. crowd
crowds of成群的
crowded adj.拥挤的
be crowded with挤满……
拥挤的公交车a crowded bus
繁忙的道路a crowded road
住满人的旅馆a crowded hotel
书架挤满了书。The bookshelves were crowded with books.
成群的人涌向北京。Crowds of people rushed to Beijing.
11. distance
in the distance
at a distance of

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