出题人:荣春晖 审题人:付红
(说明:考试时间:100分钟 满分:120分)
第一部分:听力(共15小题,满分 15 分)
1. (6) Which kind of room does the man end up booking?
A. A single room with an ocean view.
B. A double room with a bath.
C. A single room away from the street.
2. (7) How much will the man pay for the room?
A. $50 B. $40 C. $35
3. (8) Which of the following will the man get for free?
A. Breakfast B. Laundry C. Ocean bathing
4. (9) What has happened to the man’s cell phone?
A. He left it in the taxi.
B. His daughter lost it in the hotel
C. He left it in his hotel room.
5. (10) What’s the color of the phone?
A. Gray. B. Blue C. Black
6. (11) What is the man’s telephone number?
A. 36879014 B. 36870914 C. 36789014
7. (12) Who is the man?
A. A doctor B. A secretary C. A patient
8. (13) Who recommened the dentist to the woman?
A. Dr. Wilson B. Dr. Smith C. Dr. White
9. (14) When ...,本站免费提供
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