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标签:高二学习方法大全,http://www.jiaoshi66.com 人教版高二英语必修5模块训练试题,
第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
At the age of forty­five,my usually well­ordered life became full of changes.After twenty­two years of working in a __36__,a plan to use less staff __37__ the unemployment of over one hundred people,I being one of them.
My once secure future became __38__.However,I was not a single parent,__39__ the family did not depend only on my income.My motto has always been “Change is good;change is progress”,but when it __40__ my livelihood,I had to change it to “__41__ change and make the most of it.”From the beginning,I __42__ to look at this matter not as __43__ luck,but as a welcome opportunity.I refused to become sorry;__44__,I actively planned to do something new and different.
Having a positive attitude made all the __45__ in the way I pursued (追求)the future.First,I decided to __46__ to college and graduate many years later than I should have.Doing this at my age took more than a little __47__.Not being a graduate had __48__ held me back in my career in the bank,but now it was a personal goal I longed to __49__.With a lot of determination,I went to evening classes and became an adult __50__.In the class,I became more and more confident.During this time,I __51__ that no matter what life throws in our way,personal growth never stops.
The second thing I did to improve my inner­self was to reevaluate(重新评估)my __52__ life.It used to be filled with endless and meaningless events.But now,my heart and life are completely around people I __53__.
The loss of my job led to some __54__ changes in my life.Revisiting the past made __55__ for the future.I realize that I have accepted the change and am making the most of it.
【解题导语】 生活中充满了变数,作者通过自己的经历告诉我们要接受并善于利用这些改变。
36.A.factory   B.company
C.bank   D.school
解析:选C。根据第三段中的in my career in the bank可知,作者曾在一家银行工作。
37.A.set aside   B.led to
C.made up   D.took off
解析:选B。失业是裁员带来的结果,故选led to(引起,导致)。
38.A.clear   B.bright
C.boring   D.uncertain
39.A.so   B.or
C.if   D.but
解析:选A。由句意可知the family did not depend only on my income是I was not a single parent的结果,故用so。
40.A.destroyed   B.improved
C.affected   D.offered
41.A.Make   B.Accept
C.Bring   D.Collect
解析:选B。根据文章最后一句中的I have accepted the change可以看出,作者的人生格言变成:接受并充分利用改变。
42.A.chose   B.considered
C.happened   D.pretended
43.A.special   B.rare
C.bad   D.good
解析:选C。注意前后句not...but...构成的对比,作者并没有把发生的事看作“不幸(bad luck)”,而是把它当作一次良机。
44.A.besides   B.instead
C.anyway   D.however
解析:选B。后一分句与become sorry意思相反,故选instead,表示“取而代之的是”。
45.A.difference   B.decision
C.effort   D.use
解析:选A。有一种积极的态度在作者追求未来生活的道路上起了很大的作用。make all the difference的意思是“起大作用,大有作为”。
46.A.attend   B.turn
C.return   D.admit
解析:选C。根据本句提到的graduate many years later than I should have可知,作者决定“返回(return)”大学,完成早该完成的学业。
47.A.time   B.risk
C.chance   D.courage
解析:选D。下文的With a lot of determination提示,像作者这样的年龄作出这样的决定是需要很大的“勇气(courage)”的。
48.A.sometimes   B.ever
C.always   D.never
49.A.find   B.arrive
C.achieve   D.discover
50.A.student   B.teacher
C.manager   D.monitor
51.A.hoped   B.realized
C.believed   D.suggested
52.A.new   B.daily
C.future   D.past
解析:选D。根据reevaluate和最后一段的Revisiting the past可以判断,作者完善自我的第二件事是重新评估“过去的(past)”生活。
53.A.care for   B.join in
C.stand for   D.look at
解析:选A。现在作者的心和生活完全是围绕着自己所“关心(care for)”的人。
54.A.normal   B.positive
C.confident   D.unsure
解析:选B。通读全文可以看出,作者已经把失业看成了人生的另一次机遇,失业让作者的生活发生了一些积极的改变。第三段的Having a positive attitude也是提示。
55.A.change   B.progress
C.room   D.promise
解析:选C。make room for意思是“为……腾出空间”。作者通过回顾过去为未来作了更充分的准备。
第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
Paula and Rory Ward have five kids,three dogs,and a rabbit.When the house is very noisy,Megan,one of the children,is quietly inventing.A year ago,the 10­year­olds had to design an anti­smoking poster for a school project.Rather than a poster,she came up with the idea of creating something that shows the average amount of tar(尼古丁) a smoker collects from just four packs of cigarettes. 
“I like people to play with things more than read and write,”she says.So she researched her idea on the Internet,found a company in China that could make it,saved up her pocket money and got her idea made.
Paula says her daughter“thinks differently”:Ideas jump into her mind.After she got sunburnt on holiday,Megan invented a small plastic bracelet (手镯) that changes color in the sun,telling you when to put on sunscreen (防晒霜).Several sunscreen companies have expressed an interest in the idea.She also came up with an idea to make a ball filled with water to stop the dog from feeling thirsty.“But we didn’t do anything with it,”says Paula.
Then she pulls out a picture of a special fishing rod (钓鱼竿) she has designed.“There is a camera on the hook (钩),”she explains,“and the screen is on the handle,and it shows you if you’ve caught a fish or not.”

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