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负疚之情:两支笛子-My Two Flutes

六六教师之家 | 高中英语作文 | 人气:274

标签:高中英语作文范文,高中英语作文网,http://www.jiaoshi66.com 负疚之情:两支笛子-My Two Flutes,
My Two Flutes
I have two flutes①。 One is complete and good; the other broken。Every time I see them, I can't help feeling sorry and thinking of my dear father。
I like playing the flute very much。 Although I'm busy with my studies, I try hard to find time to play it。 And I believe I play it quite well。 At the last New Year party I played for my class, and everyone praised my performance。 I made up my mind to become an excellent flute player, so I told my father that I wanted to enter Taishan Music and Dance College to learn playing the flute, but he wouldn't agree。
In the last final examinations I got poor marks and my father was angry。 Not only did he hit me, but he also broke my flute。 He told me not to play the flute any more。
A few days later I noticed my father was no longer angry with me。 He seemed to feel sorry for what he had done。 Several times he wanted to have a talk with me, but I walked away, because I had not forgiven him。
The other day a classmate of mine told me that my father had come to the school to see me。 As I was still angry with him and did not wish to see him。 I asked the classmate to tell him that I was not in the classroom。 A moment later my classmate returned with a beautiful flute in his hand and a smile on his face。 “How kind and considerate② your father is!” he said in an envious③ tone。
“Ah, my dear father!”I said to myself, while tears began running down my face。
①flute [flu:t] n.长笛;竹笛
②considerate [k+n'sid+rit] a.考虑周到的;体贴的
③envious ['envi+s] a.妒忌的;羡慕的


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