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I Hope...-我希望...

六六教师之家 | 以希望为话题的作文 | 人气:460

标签:希望的作文,新学期新希望作文,以希望为题的作文,http://www.jiaoshi66.com I Hope...-我希望...,


     Every time I come home from school, I see several children sitting beside the road and begging。 I don't know where their parents are。 How coldhearted they are! Every time I will think so。 Those children are just of the same age with me。 It's the age for school。 But they can't。 It seems that no one cares for them。 How I hope that their parents come and bring them home。 If their parents are really too poor to send them to school, then I hope the whole society will help。 They can go to the Hope Project。

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tag: 以希望为话题的作文,希望的作文,新学期新希望作文,以希望为题的作文,专题作文 - 以希望为话题的作文
