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friendship (writing) 4th Teaching Period

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标签:高一英语必修2教案,高一英语下学期教案,高中英语教案,http://www.jiaoshi66.com friendship (writing) 4th Teaching Period,

friendship (writing) 4th Teaching Period

    I. Teaching content:
    1. (SB) reading and writing
    2. (WB) writing
    II. Teaching aims and demands:
    1. To read and get more knowledge about friendship
    2. To train the writing ability by writing in groups.
    III.Teaching steps:
    Step 1. Lead in
    Talk about “The 21st Century” which is a popular paper among teenagers in China and they can write to the editor and ask for advice when they have problems.
    Step 2. Reading :
    1. Get Ss to read this letter and find out what problem does xiaodong have.
    2. After reading, get an individual to tell the answer.
    3. Ask “Does any one of you have the same trouble?
    Step 3.Discussion
    1. Discuss in groups “ what advice can you give to xiaodong?”. While discussing, write down the opinions.
    2. After discussion, get a reporter of each group to tell their advice, so that they can share their advice together.
    3. Go through some more advice in the text.
    Step 4. Writing
    Ask Ss to write a letter to xiaodong to tell advice as the editor.
    1. Discuss what is the solution they can offer in groups of 4, with the help of the points given on the books.
    2. Shows the instructions on how to write a proposal letter on the screen.
    The problem should be presented first. Then we must analyze the reasons to cause the problem. Proposing the solution must be the main, which should be well explained.
    3. Give them ten minutes to write the letter.
    Step What should be written How do we write
    Part I   Presenting the problem Introducing the topic and analyzing the problem
    Part II    Proposing the solution Explaining the proposal in great detail
    Part III  Conclusion Concluding by reconfirming the proposed solution
    Step 5. Assessment
    Show their articles on screen and have assessment.
    1. What advice do they give? Are they practical?
    2. Do they follow the format of the letter/
    3. Do they use some useful expressions?
    4. How is their handwriting?
    5. Does this group cooperate well?
    At last decide the winner.
    Then the teacher show the sample writing.
    Step 6. (Wb) Writing task
    1. Get volunteers to read the proverbs and give their meanings.
    2. Have a short discussion. Choose some they agree with and explain why. Then choose some they disagree with and explain why.
    3. Teach how to write an argumatative essay.
    It includes the title, introduction, body, and conclusion. For the title, choose a proverb and make a good title. For the introduction, explain reasons why you agree and disagree. For the body, think out three arguments to support your idea. In conclusion, write what you should do and why. 2
    4. Get all the Ss to write on their own.
    5. After finishing, collect their articles and correct them. And make comments next period.
    Step 7  Conclusion
    Sum up what we learn in this period.
    Step 8 .Homework
    Work on the project on P47
    I. 教材的处理:
    教材中与writing 相关的部分有:reading and writing , writing for fun, and writing task. 其中,writing for fun打星号,为选择部分。学生没有必要一次性做那么多的写作练习,而且,相比之下reading and writing 写信和writing task写议论文,更具有代表性,任务更适合完成,故舍弃writing for fun.。
    II. 教学目标:
    1. 语言技能方面:训练写的技能,以friendship为话题,阅读相关材料,在此基础上,运用所学语言表达自己的思想。
    2. 情感态度方面:让学生学会如何交朋友,如何真诚对待朋友。
    3. 学习策略方面:学会合作学习,通过讨论交流完成任务
    4. 培养交际策略。通过评价,形成自己的调控策略。
    III. 教学策略:
    首先,按照教材的顺序和要求,先阅读给编辑的一封信,找出小东的问题,让学生先有语言和信息的输入,也是写前的热身。然后,小组讨论“给小东什么建议”, 通过合作,找出尽可能多的建议。在这个过程中,训练学生的交际能力,开拓思维,也起到训练口语的作用,把说和写结合起来,用说促进写。接着,把讨论的结果以书信的形式表达出来,有书面的成果,有成就感。并通过评价,评出最佳,促进学生的合作与竞争,也享受成功的喜悦,激发其他同学更加努力,争取下次做好。通过评价标准的比较,例如,建议的提出,书信的格式,语言的使用,书写工整,合作情况,让学生对自己的表现有清楚的认识,进而知道如何改进,即培养调控策略。另外,学生作品和教师范文的展出,也是学生学习的好机会。

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