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上学期 Unit 12 Mainly revision

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标签:九年级英语复习教案,九年级下册英语教案,http://www.jiaoshi66.com 上学期 Unit 12 Mainly revision,

  high + way= highway公路      blue + prints= blueprints蓝图

  动名词 + 名词。例如:

  post +card = postcard 明信片    play +ground = playground 操场

  reading + room =reading-room阅览室 work +place = workplace 操作间

  副词 + 名词。例如:

  out + break = outbreak 爆发     over + coat = overcoat 大衣

  down + fall = downfall下台      up + shot = upshot 结果

  介词 + 名词。例如:

  after +noon = afternoon 下午

  to +day = today 今天

  名词 + 介词短语。例如:

  editor + in + chief = editor -in -chief 总编辑

  comrade + in + arms = comrade -in -arms 战友

  father + in + law= father-in-law岳父

  sister + in + law =sister -in - law嫂子


  形容词 + 名词。例如:

    new + type = new –type 新式的     bare + foot = bard-foot 光脚的

  形容词 + 形容词。例如:

  bitter + sweet = bitter-sweet 又苦又甜的

  blue + black = blue-black 蓝黑色的

  形容词 + 分词。例如:

  fresh + looking = fresh-looking 新鲜的

  ready + made = ready-made 现成的

  名词 + 分词。例如:

上学期 Unit 12 Mainly revision由www.jiaoshi66.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.jiaoshi66.com
www.jiaoshi66.com   peace + loving = peace -loving 爱好和平的

  man + made = man-made 人造的

  数词 + 名词 + ed。例如:

  three + legged = three-legged 三条腿的,三只脚的

  two + faced = two-faced 两面派的。

  形容词 + 名词 + ed。例如:

  open + minded = open- minded 胸襟开阔的

  white + haired = white- haired 白发苍苍的


动词不定式(The Infinitive)

  做宾语,如:He wanted to be an inventor. 他想成为一名发明家。

  做宾语补足语,如:Tell her to turn it down. 告诉她将音量关小点儿。

  做状语, 如:Later he left home to work in different cities. 后来他离开家在别的地方工作了。

  和疑问词连用,如:I don’t know where to go. 我不知道去哪里。

  定语,如:I must buy a pen to write with. 我必须得买只钢笔用。

主动语态与被动语态(The Active Voice And The Passive Voice)

  一般现在时的被动语态,如:It is used for cooking. 它是做饭用的。

  一般过去时的被动语态,如;Was it made in China? 它是中国制造的吗?

  情态动词的被动语态,如:More trees must be planted. 我们还要栽更多的树。


  It is ten kilometers long / wide / deep / high.

  Beijing is about five hundred kilometers from here.



  本单元第46课是一篇题为“The universe and man-made satellites”的课文,是一篇科技小品。为了引起学生的阅读兴趣,建议让学生带着问题有目的地进行阅读,或在阅读前让学生猜测课文内容,然后再阅读课文,证实他们的猜测。具体做法是:


  What do we mean when we talk about the universe?

  Why can’t many stars be seen?

  How far is the moon away from the earth?

  Has the moon been visited by man already?

  Have any man-made machines travelled farther than the moon? What are they?

  What do you know about the universe?

  Why do we say the world itself is becoming smaller and smaller?


  1) What do we mean when we talk about the universe?
  2) Do you know anything about the moon? Try to say something about it.
  3) What is a man-made satellite? What's it used for?
  4) Please say something about people's knowledge of the universe.


  The universe means the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars, and the space ______ them. Many of the stars are so ______ away that we ______ see them.

  The moon, our ______, travelled ______ the earth. It has been visited _____ man in  spaceships.

  Man-made ______ have been sent up ______ space by many countries. They go ______ the earth. They are used for helping us to learn more ______ the earth, the weather and other things. They are also used for sending and ______ messages.  It makes people ______ different countries understand each other better. So people say the world itself is becoming a much ______ place. People call the small place “the global village”.


  between, far, can not, satellite, round, by, satellites, into, round, about, receiving, from, smaller


  1) 课文—Many of the stars cannot be seen because they are too far away.
  练习—Many of the stars are so far away that we cannot see them.
  2) 课文—The moon travels round the earth. It is our satellite.
  练习—The moon, our satellite, travels round the earth.



  在教授第47课时,为了给学生创造更多的机会,教师可提供火车列车时刻表中全国各主要城市间的距离表或世界各地航空路程表,将其放大制成挂图,贴在黑板上。可先根据 Practise的内容,让学生做快速的连锁问答,使他们熟悉句型和数字,并达到脱口而出的熟练程度。然后练习Ask and answer可的材料。其中的重要句型是:

  1 ) How many kilometres by train is it from… to…?
  2) How far away is…from…?
  3) What about …?
  1 ) How many li by air is it from … to…?
  2) How far away is the earth from the moon?
  3) What about other planet?

上学期 Unit 12 Mainly revision由www.jiaoshi66.com收集及整理,转载请说明出处www.jiaoshi66.com

  T: How many pages do you think this book has?
  SI: I think about 120.
  T: No. The number is too small.
  S2: What about 500?
  T: Oh, that's too big.
  S3: How about 250?
  T: That's quite right. 265.
  在初中英语第一册和第二册中,我们已经陆续学习了数字的用法,教师可帮助学生回忆它们的念法,并做快速连锁问答。还可就长度、高度、重量等做问答,例如:How long is the Yellow River? How heavy is your bag? How tall/high is that tree?等等。

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